Beginner Course (Instant Access)

Uncover the secrets of the stars as we explore intricate planetary alignments, decode birth charts, and delve into predictive techniques.

This is a very practical and comprehensive course on Vedic Astrology. You will learn a combination of traditional Parashari Jyotish and Bhrigu Nandi Nadi concepts. We learn by analyzing charts of famous personalities. There is no course like this out there – SIMPLE, DEEP, PRACTICAL. Course slides are immaculately designed with depth of information presented in a very easy to understand format and simple language.

Get INSTANT Access to All the 24 Classes after you sign up. Note: If you pay via Zelle (in US only), you get $50 off. You can send $1,347 to via Zelle.

What you will Learn (SYLLABUS)

  • Essential Mantras: Meaning and Pronunciation
  • Books, Software ( and Jagannatha Hora), North Indian versus South Indian charts.
  • Purpose of Astrology, Karma, Freewill and Destiny, 14 Lokas
  • Sidereal (vedic) versus Tropical (western) Zodiac. Essential Astronomy. Rahu & Ketu. Eclipses
  • Remedial Measures in Jyotish: Grahas, Mantra, Yagya, Gemstones, Donation, House remedies
  • Nine Planets, Twelve Signs, Twelve Houses
  • Natural Benefics and Malefics. Friends and Enemies.
  • Planets in Houses and Signs
  • Exaltation and Debilitation of Planets. Retrograde Planets.
  • Planetary Aspects (Drishti): Parashari & Bhrigu Nandi Nadi
  • Analysis of Charts of famous Personalities